Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dalian, China: Day 5, Fog, and a Cancelled Trip

I suppose I should catch back up to Tuesday when we were actually supposed to fly out to Beijing. There aren't many photos from that day since we spot a lot of it waiting at the airport aside from lunch. I plan to post separately about our shopping experiences all week when I get chance.

I admit I was really disappointed when the airport closed down and we had to cancel our tour to Beijing. I was especially looking forward to the Great Wall, but now will have to save it for a future trip to China (whenever that may be!). Since Tuesday, we've just stayed in the city while my Dad actually had a two day business trip. For the most part, our last few days have just been about eating, shopping, and some relaxation at home.

A popular (well for some) Chinese dish is congealed pork's blood. It's actually one of my favorite Dim Sum dishes in the LA/OC area. This is actually congealed LAMB'S blood, so a little different!

Lamb kabobs and some lamb chops undernearth - the kabobs were a bit chewy though...

Yes, that's a LIVE octopus... I watched them pull one off the side of the tank moments later.

We headed to the airport for a 4:50 flight and left around 5:00 when we realized we wouldn't be flying due to the heavy fog... here's a photo of the terminal, barely visible in the fog!

You can barely see the crowds in front of 32 and 33 trying to find out what to do about all their canceled flights.

The board of canceled flights. Maybe next time to Beijing?

Coming next: shopping adventures in Dalian.

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